Spring Fishing Clinic

The date of this event is TBD.

This event needs a Coordinator. Email [email protected] if you are interested to volunteer as the Coordinator for this event or if you would like to help the Coordinator in some way.

The Spring Fishing Clinic Coordinator is responsible to organize an annual fishing clinic at the shores of Lake Terrapin for residents interested in learning some basics about fishing. This education event is hosted by a member of the neighborhood who will share their tips and tricks to catch the various fish in Lake Terrapin.

Please RSVP and bring your fishing pole, bait and lures, and some patience!

Fish in Lake Terrapin

Lake Terrapin has a variety of fish and turtles.

Insert text and information here about the fish and turtles in Lake Terrapin and include photos if possible.

Fishing in Virginia

Insert text and information here about fishing license, rules of fishing, and general rules to follow when fishing in Lake Terrapin.